Between the Lines

Random reflections from the youth in a juvenile correctional facility.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Three Wishes from the Genie with the Magic Lamp

You have found a magic lamp. When you rub the lamp a genie appears and gives you three wishes. You cannot wish for more wishes. Write your three wishes in sentence form in your journal.


1. I would wish for a better world with no crime, no problems, no poverty, no violence, a Walgreen world: a perfect world.
2. I would wish for every time I would buy something I would have the amount of money I need to buy it.
3. I would wish to own some good business in the world, to never die, to have kids and people never die, and my family would come together. KT

My first wish would be to have a successful life. My second wish would be to be rich. My third and final wish would be to be famous and have a healthy relationship with kids. DR

1. I wish I could have my daughter back from heaven.
2. I wish for a credit card with no limit.
3. I wish I wasn’t in the system. GG

1. My first wish would be to go back in time and fix all my mistakes.
2. Next I would wish to enjoy life as much as I could.
3. And my last wish would be to make world peace. LF

1. I wish we can all live in peace.
2. I wish that I’ll always have my family.
3. I wish my sister was alive. JG

1. I wish I can get out of Loysville.
2. I wish I can buy my mom a house.
3. I wish I can be a football player. JW

1. I wish I was home.
2. I wish I was a good person.
3. I wish I had a million dollars. TJ

My three wishes would be I would wish for a new house for my family. Then I would wish for a new car for my family. Then I would wish to go home to my family. JF


1. I wish to be home.
2. I wish my family was better because they are all sick.
3. I wish I never got locked up. NC

1. I first wish for me and my mom to be able to live forever.
2. Then I’ll wish for a billion dollars.
3. Then I would wish for all my loved family to have another chance to live. DJ

I would wish for
1. a car – a nice one all hooked up and I would wish for
2. My dad to come back in my life because I don’t know him and I would wish for him and I would wish for him to come back and the third thing would be
3. a million or more dollars. DH

1. I would wish for the end of world hunger.
2. I would start world peace.
3. I would wish for one million dollars. AA

First I would wish for freedom to get out of jail and never go back. My second wish would be to be the richest person alive and never be hurt because of it. And finally my last wish would be to die of old age like 115 but still look young and healthy. AS

1. I wish I was the richest guy in the world and never go low on money.
2. I wish there was no such thing as jail and probation.
3. I wish I would be treated like a king. SR


1. I wish to live to a hundred.
2. I wish there was 100 women and they was my wives.
3. I wish to have a model celebrity to be my wife. RG

1. I wish for a million dollars.
2. I wish for a big house.
3. I wish for a bunch of cars and girls. AM

1. I wish my mom lives till I die.
2. I wish that I have a good life.
3. I wish to have a good beautiful wife. LR

1. I would wish to be free.
2. I would wish for 999 sextillion dollars.
3. I would wish for a peaceful world. MD


1. To get out of here and be free.
2. Have all charges dropped.
3. Be able to live on my own. TS

1. I wish for my grandpop to be alive.
2. I want to have money.
3. All my sisters and brothers to go to college. DR

I would like to wish for a billion dollars. Another thing I would wish for to own an island. My last wish would be a 1,000 different cars. DM


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